Briefing to Incoming Ministers 2020

This briefing paper outlines key issues Age Concern New Zealand wants to highlight to incoming ministers. It also tells you about Age Concern – who we are, what we do and how we can work in partnership with you.

Older New Zealanders are extraordinary. They are resilient and adapt to the multitude of changes and events that occur across their lifetime. Many older adults have driven change and innovation in communities, workplaces, technology, science, and the economy. Older adults actively contribute to their families/whānau, communities, workplaces, voluntary organisations, creative arts, and the economy. This contribution deserves wider recognition and respect.

New Zealand can be proud that increasing numbers of our people are living longer, healthier and more active lives.

Aotearoa New Zealand’s rapidly ageing population presents both challenges and opportunities for government and non-government organisations alike. Partnerships between government and nongovernment organisations are the way to maximise the opportunities and address the challenges of our growing older population.

Key issues impacting the rights and wellbeing of older New Zealanders that we would like to work on in partnership with the Government are:
1. Confronting age discrimination
2. Preventing elder abuse and neglect
3. Ending loneliness and social isolation
4. Enabling lifelong learning and training
5. Providing an adequate standard of living