Age Concern Southland - Queenstown Branch

Postal address: PO Box 976, Invercargill 9840
Physical address:
First Floor
Aurum House, Terrace Junction
1092 Frankton Road, Frankton 9300
Telephone: 03 441 3490 or freephone 0800 65 2 105
Email: [email protected]

Our Services

Support Services, Information, Advice and Personal Advocacy: Responding in person/phone to a range of queries from older people and their carers eg. Advising where to obtain a service, what is available. Providing confidential support and empowerment to older people.
Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention Service: 
Providing confidential support, advocacy and information for people facing elder abuse and neglect.

Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention Services 
Support Services 
Information Resources